Informatii despre cursul valutar

Curs Euro

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Go somewhere
Curs Euro

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Go somewhere
Curs Euro

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Go somewhere
Curs Euro

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Go somewhere

Evolutie curs valutar won sud corean

Curs minim won sud corean


Curs mediu won sud corean


Curs maxim won sud corean



Indicator Valoare Data
Valoare cursului minima 0.3338 2024-09-20
Valoare cursului maxima 0.3396 2024-09-27
Diferenta intre maximile cursului 0.0058
Cresterea cea mai mare 0.0029 2024-08-20
Scaderea cea mai mare 0.0038 2024-09-26
Valoare medie a cursului 0.3362

Evolutie detaliata

Cursul euro din data Valoare
2024-09-30 0.3391
2024-09-27 0.3396
2024-09-26 0.3358
2024-09-25 0.3341
2024-09-24 0.3347
2024-09-23 0.3347
2024-09-20 0.3338
2024-09-19 0.3356
2024-09-18 0.3378
2024-09-17 0.3391
2024-09-16 0.3393
2024-09-13 0.3382
2024-09-12 0.3367
2024-09-11 0.3363
2024-09-10 0.3359
2024-09-09 0.3344
2024-09-06 0.3368
2024-09-05 0.3356
2024-09-04 0.3355
2024-09-03 0.3358
2024-09-02 0.3356
2024-08-30 0.3367
2024-08-29 0.3376
2024-08-28 0.3346
2024-08-27 0.3346
2024-08-26 0.3361
2024-08-23 0.3347
2024-08-22 0.3343
2024-08-21 0.3342
2024-08-20 0.3371
2024-08-19 0.3372