Informatii despre cursul valutar

Curs Euro

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Go somewhere
Curs Euro

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Go somewhere
Curs Euro

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Go somewhere
Curs Euro

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Go somewhere

Evolutie curs valutar francul elvetian

Curs minim francul elvetian


Curs mediu francul elvetian


Curs maxim francul elvetian



Indicator Valoare Data
Valoare cursului minima 5.2127 2024-08-19
Valoare cursului maxima 5.3246 2024-09-11
Diferenta intre maximile cursului 0.1119
Cresterea cea mai mare 0.0416 2024-09-11
Scaderea cea mai mare 0.0421 2024-08-27
Valoare medie a cursului 5.2776

Evolutie detaliata

Cursul euro din data Valoare
2024-09-30 5.2677
2024-09-27 5.2832
2024-09-26 5.2641
2024-09-25 5.2446
2024-09-24 5.2667
2024-09-23 5.2655
2024-09-20 5.2532
2024-09-19 5.2625
2024-09-18 5.3003
2024-09-17 5.2921
2024-09-16 5.2921
2024-09-13 5.2884
2024-09-12 5.2830
2024-09-11 5.3246
2024-09-10 5.3163
2024-09-09 5.3071
2024-09-06 5.3165
2024-09-05 5.2926
2024-09-04 5.2951
2024-09-03 5.2871
2024-09-02 5.2900
2024-08-30 5.2932
2024-08-29 5.3189
2024-08-28 5.3052
2024-08-27 5.2631
2024-08-26 5.2596
2024-08-23 5.2522
2024-08-22 5.2492
2024-08-21 5.2350
2024-08-20 5.2248
2024-08-19 5.2127