Informatii despre cursul valutar

Curs Euro

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Go somewhere
Curs Euro

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Go somewhere
Curs Euro

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Go somewhere
Curs Euro

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Go somewhere

Evolutie curs valutar gramul de aur

Curs minim gramul de aur


Curs mediu gramul de aur


Curs maxim gramul de aur



Indicator Valoare Data
Valoare cursului minima 358.7210 2024-09-04
Valoare cursului maxima 382.8730 2024-09-26
Diferenta intre maximile cursului 24.1520
Cresterea cea mai mare 3.7450 2024-09-03
Scaderea cea mai mare 4.8340 2024-09-12
Valoare medie a cursului 367.2155

Evolutie detaliata

Cursul euro din data Valoare
2024-09-30 378.7000
2024-09-27 382.0800
2024-09-26 382.8730
2024-09-25 380.1210
2024-09-24 377.8500
2024-09-23 377.2340
2024-09-20 373.3540
2024-09-19 371.0300
2024-09-18 368.9920
2024-09-17 369.6420
2024-09-16 371.8460
2024-09-13 370.5330
2024-09-12 365.6990
2024-09-11 365.2630
2024-09-10 362.8760
2024-09-09 361.0590
2024-09-06 362.6240
2024-09-05 362.4720
2024-09-04 358.7210
2024-09-03 362.4660
2024-09-02 361.1840
2024-08-30 364.5110
2024-08-29 363.5330
2024-08-28 360.7080
2024-08-27 359.4380
2024-08-26 361.4030
2024-08-23 359.7290
2024-08-22 360.0860
2024-08-21 360.7290
2024-08-20 364.3530
2024-08-19 362.5710